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Half Day City Tour of Sofia

Sofia is the biggest city in Bulgaria and the country's capital. The town center, however, is compact and packed with archaeological sites, architectural, historical and cultural monuments - all in a short walking distance from each other. In just a couple of hours our tour will literary trace the timeline of one of the oldest cities in Europe. All of Sofia's major highlights will be presented to you in a comprehensive,  interactive and memorable way. Come with us on this walking tour to enjoy, discover, explore and be intrigued by more than 25 top tourist sites well covered in our itinerary.

1. Alexander Nevski Cathedral (the second largest Orthodox Cathedrals in Europe)
2. The National Essembly (The Parliament)
3. The Monument of Alexander II of Russia (Alexander the Liberator)
4. Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
5. The National Library (where you will learn the origin of the Cyrillic alphabet)
6. St.Sofia Church
7. Tsar Samuil's Monument
8. The Home of Moscow (an administrative and cultural building)
9. The Russian Church
10. The Military Club
11. The Former King's Palace
12. The National Theater
13. Georgi Dimitrov's Mausoleum 
14. The City Garden
15. Bulgarian National Bank
16. St. George Rotunda (the oldest building in Sofia)
17. The Presidency and the Ministry Council
18. The Eastern Gate of Roman Serdica
19. Sofia's Central Public Bathhouse 
20. Halite (Sofia's Central Covered Market)
21. Banya Bashi Mosque
22. St. Nedelia Church
23. The Monument of St. Sofia
24. St. Petka Church
25. The Synagogue
26. St. Joseph Catholic Cathedral
...other sites, which ones - you will discover only after making a booking :). 

The tour's duration is 2.5-3 hours. It starts from the main entrance of Alexander Nevski Cathedral (close to Sofia University Metro Station) at a time convenient to you. The end point of the tour is at the main entrance of St. Nedelia Church (close to Serdica Metro Station).

Group price: 120 Euro for a group size up to 30 persons.

The price includes: Sofia's city center walking Tour with an English speaking guide. Please enquire if you need transfers to/from your hotel or a guidance in another language (eg Italian, Greek, Spanish etc).