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26/02/2025 - 26/02/2025
Basic price:
EUR 0.00 Per person
Step 1 & 2: On this step you will be asked to input general details for your holiday, which will be used afterwards to determine its final price. Please make sure all data are correct before proceeding further to Step 3. Step 3: The details of all travellers should be filled in on this step. Starred field are required. Depending on the minimum group size determined for each particular package and the actual number of travellers in your party, extra charges may appear here over the basic price (which is set in accordance with the minimum group size). The final price of the tour will appear on Step 4. Here you can also donate for nature conservation causes in Bulgaria, performed by local NGO-s, and support their continuous efforts in doing that. The minimum donation (if you wish to to donate) is 5 Euro per reservation. If you wish to donate more, simply change the digit in the box, which will mutiply the basic donation by the same number. Finally click on the checkbox to the right to add the donation to the final price of the tour. Step 4: Here comes the result of what you have booked so far, including the final price of your order. Please check if all data are correct. Upon agreement with our booking conditions and pressing the CONFIRM button you will automatically receive an email from us with your reservation, our booking conditions and also other important details specific for the services you have required. In the body of this email you will find the reservation number and your passowrd (at the bottom of the message) - these two attributes will grant you online access to our reservation system (through "My Travel Center" menu on the top of the website), where you will be able to view it, make reprints of your order, check registered payments and rest to pay, make some changes or cancel the booking.